Stories from Women’s March & Sister March

Many folks from Clifton United Methodist Church attended the Women’s March demonstrations on January 21st – either the national march in Washington D.C. or Cincinnati’s “sister march”. Here are some of their stories: “It was like seeing the country I always believed existed and do believe exists in one place on a large scale. It Read More

It’s Time! – Nick Federinko

Every four years, Methodists from all around the globe gather for General Conference, where legislative and administrative decisions are made, affecting the entire church. May 10 marks the kickoff of 2016 General Conference in Portland. At past General Conferences, efforts have been launched to remove unjust, discriminatory language from the United Methodist Book of Discipline, Read More

The Power of Partnerships – Rev. Benji Sayer

It’s hard to believe that my first academic year as the Executive Director of the Wesley Foundation in Cincinnati is about to come to a close. As I began last summer, not only was I embarking on a new adventure as the director of the Wesley Foundation, but I was also helping the Wesley Foundation Read More

The AMOS Project – Nick Federinko

Sunday’s AMOS meeting at New Prospect Baptist Church yielded important gains for the effort for universal preschool in our city. Cincinnati’s childhood poverty rate was at an “abominable” 44.3% last year. As demonstrated in the documentary “Are We Crazy About Our Kids?”, preschool is crucial to breaking the cycle of poverty, offering early intercession in Read More

Church Beyond the Walls April 2016 – Nick Federinko

“Jesus provided far more God-revealing signs than are written down in this book. ” – John 20:30, The Message Eastertide – church speak for “the time following Easter” – is an opportunity to celebrate resurrection, and the in-breaking of God’s radical love and transformation. On April 10, our Church Beyond the Walls activities saw God’s love being Read More